Typography And Its Basic Information

Posted on : Mar 26, 2019

Typography is an art of arranging type. People don’t understand psychology behind this technique.Typography is 95% of design – it’s a driving force in all forms of communication art.Typography is one of the most significant and satisfying components of graphic design. Regardless of how experienced a designer becomes, it’s always helpful to recharge their mind about the principles of typography.

Understand the basic

The first step towards more effective typography is to learn a bit about the art. If one gets unfamiliar with its concepts, then it might appear that typography must be a fairly simple.But typography is quite complicated and is as much science or as an art.The composition of a typeface consists of specific vocabulary, accurate measurements and central specifications that should always be identified and taken into consideration

Be well aware and informed about front communication

Every font communicates certain attributes on both a conscious and subconscious level. While designing, 3d designer need to make sure that typography type gets always connected to their audience. This is more than just making certain that copy is impeccably written. It’s also about ensuring that the font one use fits the target market.

Understand kerning and its importance

Kerning is the act of fine-tuning the space between characters to produce an efficient combined pairing. It doesn’t sound too important but an excellent kerning job makes a world of difference. Its main objective is to ensure that the space between each character is artistically even to create well-arranged text. Kerning describes the act of adjusting the space between characters to create a harmonious pairing.

Have proper alignment between fronts

Alignment is an extremely important concept in typography. For some reason, non-designers tend to unconsciously center align their text. Somewhere in life we learn that if something is centred then it is balanced and therefore better. In reality, center alignment is the fragile, hardest to read alignment and should be used very selectively. Alignment is a commanding concept in typography. Many non-designers tend to choose between Center Aligned and Justified which makes paragraphs quite hard to read.

Try to call visual hierarchy into play

Stop thinking of typography as simply headlines and body copy and start thinking of it as a design element. Typefaces are exactly designed and therefore possess an artistic angle that can be a cherished benefit to the design resource. This of course goes well beyond building faces with letters.Typography is the way in which audiences receives an information and moves their eyes in visual hierarchy.

Go for perfect secondary font for pairing

When there are both a heading and a subhead then use two different typefaces that balance each other to establish visual hierarchy. The challenge with font pairing is to avoid using two contradictory fonts or two very similar fonts where one can barely see a difference. The second font must be as appealing as the primary typeface without losing the overall consistency of the design.