Architectural Detailing And Related Facts About It
Posted on : Mar 26, 2019
Architectural detailing plays a very important role in defining the character of the historic structure by adding values to superior craftsmanship and architectural designs. Architectural details help in expressing theoretical and technical aspects of the building along with its greater impact on its production process. However modern architecture shows more importance to the re-involvement of the architects in the physical making of the buildings with the help of digital technologies. There are certain facts involved related to architectural detailing like
Details making is one of the main responsibility of only architects
This is a poor myth that architectural detailing is one of the main responsibilities of the architects only. In real fact, details can only be developed in joint discussion with manufactures or mechanical engineers. Nowadays digital fabrication is one of most important part of detail documentation.
Standard solution for detail design problem
In today’s time, details create a huge impact on overall designing of the building. Earlier standard details were used in the most of the part of the building but now especially detail design helps in adding values to the building by creating surface effects
Detail design helps in disguising an imperfection
This was one of the major beliefs that details help in disguising any imperfection.Actually, it helps in communicating messages through its design. With the help of digital fabrication, detail design is almost with zero imperfections.
Need proper synergy between conceptual and detail design
There requires a proper balance between conceptual and detail design as architects have given more importance to creativity instead of technical developmental detailing aspects. But this is just a myth. There is always need of a proper combination of both of them for the overall development of building designs.
Detailing happens along with conceptual designing work
Whenever there is questing about making of digitally fabricated custom parts of the building, it’s essential to predict from the start about their parts or how they can be put together. Therefore it’s always advisable to get a knowhow about a concept which can be fabricated. So detailing must work parallel with a conceptual design with the help of integrated digital design process.
At C-Design we have strategically and operational centers in India and UAE so that we can deliver high-end services at competitive prices. Our team of 3d architects, draftsmen, and 3d modelers work in sync with client’s requirement and equip themselves with all relevant details as and when needed. This helps in making the process faster and smoother along with strengthening client trust and relationship.