Interview Tips For Creative Designer / Artist Position
Posted on : Mar 27, 2019
The term Interview is very exciting and full of nervousness as you can never predict 100% about its outcome. Personal mood of the interviewer also depend a lot in interview because whatever will be asked is totally unpredictable, combination of personality traits and professional aspect. Interview being maze of challenges but you should never leave your ambition if you have right attitude, required skills and desired qualifications
Never feel shy: Now a days’ social site like Facebook or twitter or LinkedIn provide platform for everyone to showcase their skills and connect them to their respective networks. But the key word is never to be shy or else you can never explore the hidden opportunities coming your way. Posting links to sites make your connection active with many unknown people who can be your prospective client.
Present a Win-Win proposal: We have observed that often designers wait for the specific and preferred job to be published before applying; we suggest the other way round, if applicants are confident that their experience and skill set will help an agency / studio win business or improve its service offerings or can trigger any top or bottom line breakthrough then it’s time to put forward your proposal. Agencies or studios never underestimate any value addition if it’s in line with their Business Model / Strategy.
Acquire extensive market knowledge: Creative studios work on the driving edge of innovation and ideas; it’s always advisable to be updated with latest market happenings, trends & changing customer preferences. There are number of resources available online & offline to network and be involve in business even before landing in your first job.
Be prepared: Prepare your presentation and portfolio of work undertaken along with case studies (if any) and most importantly a presentation (could be verbal) how you plan to contribute the success of studio/agency, try to quantify the contributions you propose to achieve if hired.
Be professional in your presentation: Age old adage “First Impression is the Last Impression” still holds true; the way you present yourself is very important that includes dressing – mostly smart casuals look good for creative positions; wear a confident posture and look straight in eyes of interviewer/s while presenting your candidature.
Approach systematically: One common mistake most of the candidates commit is presenting their background very unsystematically or in a much unorganised manner. It’s always good to make presentation systematically either in a chronological way or as it appears in your resume / portfolio. Place your emphasis on quality of work you have done in past over quantity of projects completed, we suggest candidates to be prepared with top three or four designs / works they have done and are strong in discussion the same as the part of selection process during interview. Also it’s not a bad practice to tailor your resume and presentation in line with job requirements if the candidate is confident enough to present and discuss the same.