3D Product Visualization in E-Commerce Industry
Posted on : Nov 15, 2019
With increasing number of players and ease of doing business online, number of brands (big or small) today is getting into e-commerce business. Experts states that a brand not presents online would soon lose out its presence in the market space over the competitors who are well present online. Today e-commerce is not only the extension of business POCs but also a dedicated marketplace with a cut-throat competition in most of the product categories. Let it be dedicated website for a brand to list their products on or an aggregator with multiple products / brands.
While catering to number of leading brand managers and brand heads globally since Year 2005 we have come across many such requirements where brand managers wants their brand / products to be placed distinctively as compared to competitors in the online market space. Under our 3D Art Service our usual answer to these kinds of requirements is obvious 3D product visualization. 3D product visualization works on the potential of computer graphics and rendering to make any product visually appealing on the e-commerce portal which ultimately could trigger engagement, website traffic and online sale.
Apart from trigger a quick interest / engagement, 3D product visualization also replaces more time consuming and costly process of proto-typing. Many a times customers need to visit store to see a product prototype which ultimately limits the product reach in the market; with 3D product visualisation these limitations are getting sorted and customers are able to make buying decisions online itself.