Posted on : Jul 08, 2019
In today’s world, it’s becoming difficult to stay competitive with traditional marketing practices. Now customers are moving towards clicking over ads instead of simply sticking with conventional practices. Researchers have proved that 0.07% is the average click-through rate of display advertisements and thus virtual reality is becoming an unconventional and powerful source of marketing which is creating an artificial environment for the users in an engaging fashion. VR is created with the help of equipment like headsets, mobile phones, etc which makes the lifelike artificial experience for their users in an immersive way. There are many reasons which call for virtual reality like increases level of experiential marketing, comes out as trade leader, helps for media coverage, etc. But the following are its challenges:-
1) User experience challenges –It becomes quite complicated for the new generation VR headsets to understand new approaches of VR technology. Researchers have found that the majority of audiences can experience VR in their homes but few of them are unable to bear extra charges of buying such headsets. Because of its complexity, the standard ways which allow users to naturally interact with the virtual environment is yet to find out.
2) Another big challenge for virtual reality is to find out a proper tracking system. Tracking system companies are quite a few in numbers but they don’t last very long. Also in order to create a virtual world, it takes higher time which should look more realistic and natural. Even companies making input devices for VR are also quite a few in numbers. Many times content distribution gets limited and content development becomes costly. VR industries are trying different tracking system and content technologies but there is certain restriction related to particular headset hardware.
3) Lack of knowledge-It has been seen in a survey that 23% of the total consumers are familiar with VR and specific VR headsets.
4) VR needs interesting and engaging content- One of the major challenges for VR technologies is about quality content. Especially in disruptive areas like training fields, VR blossom and that’s why it plays a major role which provides immersive knowledge to students. Thus VR developers are creating engaging apps for students in order to provide good learning contents. For e.g.: In the museum, instead of providing mere walk to visitors, VR technology can give such visitors essential and engaging content through storytelling. That’s VR content developers and VR headset manufacturers should work jointly to provide high-quality VR content in order to attract more customers.
5) Price is another factor-Price is always considered as deciding factor for any customers whenever they buy any new products. This philosophy applies to VR technology as well when it’s in emerging stage of customer adoption, and then customers are pretty uncertain about its benefits and scope of the technology. Even if VR headsets cost is much higher and not considered as a manufacturer’s mistake still with the advancement of modern technology, customers are moving towards this technology.
6) Connectivity is lower-One of the challenging factors which decide about the immersive experience to its customers is through network connectivity. VR gives 360-degree view to its customers but majorly with the help of robust network connectivity and high speed. Once the development of 5G technology becomes available worldwide then the issue related to network connectivity can be easily solved.
On the brighter side, VR technology consists of tremendous potential to breathe life into consumer markets. VR has generated new possibilities for making and improving customer experiences and it’s helping designers to create the skillful services for the future. At C-Design, our expertise in designing Virtual Reality Models is growing at the pace in line amongst leading brands in the world. With more than a decade of experience, our proficient team is well equipped to undertake any complex Immersive multimedia project on behalf of our esteemed client. Immersive multimedia or better known as Computer – simulated reality or still better known today as Virtual reality is a digital technology replicating a real ,imagined or virtual environment chiefly for the purpose of user communication and engagement.